photo assistance.
The right photo can make all the difference to your design - it's how you will visualise the changes you make to your property - so it's important to get it right. Oh, and you don't need to be a professional photographer either - a smartphone is all you need! Check out our guide below to make sure your photos are suitable for your project.
Take a few
steps back.
Seeing how the changes to your property look alongside your neighbours is really important. Whilst you want to love the new look of your home, you also want to know that it compliments the environment and doesn't stand out for all the wrong reasons! So, take a few steps back and grab a few photos from as far back as you can.
Work the angles.
Take a variety of photos from different angles in portrait and landscape. Angles add more depth and character to the designs - offering a better overall feel for the changes you have made.
Photo quality
makes all the difference.
Opting for the largest file size is essential to ensure your designs are of the highest quality. If the photos are too big to email, or you have a large selection to send, upload them to wetransfer.com and send to studio@digibuild.uk
You can't choose the weather.
We know the UK isn't known for blue skies and hours of endless sunshine, but choosing the optimum time to take your photo will be worth it. Sunshine adds shadows and depth to your design!